Counselling Sessions for Individual Adults and Young People Age 16+: £50.00 per 50 minute session Zoom or Telephone Counselling £60.00 per 50 minute session in person counselling
Couples: £75.00 per 50 minute session
Some concessions available: please ask. Discounts for student counsellors: please ask.
Fees are payable at the beginning of each session, or in advance by cash, cheque or bank transfer.
Arriving for Sessions: I do not have a waiting room, so please arrive as close to your appointment time as possible. Sessions will start on time, so if you are late for a session it will still end at the normal time. If this is the case full fees will still apply.
Cancellations: If you are unable to attend a session for any reason I would ask that you let me know by phone, text or e-mail as early as possible. Room hire charges may still apply on cancellation, for in person counselling sessions. Any cancellations within 48 hours will be charged the full amount for the session, except in exceptional circumstances.
In the rare situation that I need to cancel a session I will aim to contact you as soon as possible and will endeavour to arrange with you an alternative appointment time for that same week.
Will Anyone Find Out What We Discuss?
Confidentiality is of primary importance to me and I will therefore not tell anyone you are attending counselling or what was discussed. I would however have to break this confidentiality if I thought there was a serious threat of harm to you or someone else. If this was the case I would always try, where possible, to discuss this with you before taking it further.
How Many Sessions Will I Need?
It depends entirely on your situation, the difficulties you bring and your personal preference. Counselling does not always offer an immediate solution to long standing and often, painful problems. There is no upper limit to the number of sessions, you may continue for as long as you feel the sessions are of use to you. We will review your progress together at regular intervals, usually after every 6 sessions, to help you with this.
How Often Are Sessions Held?
Weekly, at the same time and place. If you work shifts, I may be able to offer a flexible diary where available.
Will I Need To Agree To A Contract?
In our initial session, we will discuss your expectations of counselling and I will also discuss my confidentiality, ethics, payment, holidays and cancellation policies with you. If we then decide to work together, this will ensure we can do so within safe and clear boundaries. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions if you are unsure of anything.
Will You Tell Me How To Solve My Problems?
No, I will help you explore different ways of dealing with a situation, but the choice of whether or not you do anything about it is yours.
Will I Have To Talk About Things I Would Prefer Not To Discuss?
No. I will encourage you to talk about many aspects of your life, and to express your feelings. Your wish not to discuss a particular matter will always be respected.
What Is Clinical Supervision In Counselling?
Working under clinical supervision means that I use the services of another counsellor to review my work with clients and my professional development. Most professional bodies in the UK such as the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) require supervision, but it is also seen by many as ethically necessary. Counselling supervision is considered important to protect clients and to improve the ability of counsellors to provide value to their clients.
What Does Supervision Mean To Confidentiality?
Client confidentiality is still safeguarded because individually identifying information such as full names is not given. Also my supervisor is covered by the same code of ethics with regard to confidentiality as myself.
Do You Keep Notes?
I am obliged to make some notes after sessions. These notes are brief, coded and kept in a secure place.
Continued Professional Development (CPD)
I regularly undertake further learning in the form of workshops and seminars, with a view to maintaining continued professional development.
Who Are The BACP?
The BACP stands for the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. It is a body which has been set up to ensure that its members adhere to Ethical Codes of Practice, keep up-to-date in the world of counselling, brings together many counsellors and psychotherapists of different disciplines and is also there to protect you as a client.